
Showing posts from January, 2021

26 year old woman with c/o seizures since 5 days

Unit 3: Interns: Dr Kalyan Dr Archana  Dr Sreeja Dr Harsha Vardhan Dr Sahiti Dr Jeeharika Dr Raveen - PGY1 Dr Aashitha - PGY2 Dr Aravind - PGY3 Dr Vamshi - PGY3 Dr Hareen - SR Dr Praveen Naik - Ass Prof Dr Rakesh Biswas - HOD UNIT 3  INTRODUCTION- This is an interesting case of a 21 year old woman with acute recurrent episodes of seizures presenting to us since 4 days with a history of recurrent  seizures since she was 15 years of age. MRI brain revealed that granulomatous lesion in right temporal region. Further evaluation revealed a history of anxiety and depression. CASE HISTORY- 26 year old woman  who is unmarried came with c/o involuntary movements of both upper limb and lower limb since 5 days ,drooling of saliva present  uprolling of eyeballs + No h/o urinary incontinence,  no h/o tongue bite Patient earlier recalled events dates back when she was 12 years old presented with GTCS (no documentation) She was having on and off seizure episodes and did not subside for 2 years, she v


58 year old man from mandepally presented with c/o B/L pedal edema since 3 months ,abdominal distention since 2 months ,facial puffiness since 2 months dyspnea on exertion since 1 month,frothy urine since 1 month ,cough with expectoration since 5 days and fever since 1 day  Patient works as a farmer at mandepally and has been having B/L knee joint pains since 5 months for which he has been taking medications and B/L pedal edema extending upto knees since 3 months followed by abdominal distention and then facial puffiness and the dyspnea on exertion and also frothy urine since 1 month  He has been complaining of cough with mild sputum expectoration associated with hemoptysis, non foul smelling and high grade  fever since 1 day  No c/o hematuria,loin pain, pain abdomen, reduced urine output No c/o chest pain,palpitations, dizziness, sweating  He is alcoholic since 20 years 90 ml whiskey 3 times a week his last intake was 1 year back O/E patient is conscious, coherent and cooperative  Vit


60 year old man presented to the casualty with complaints of  dizziness lasting for 2 mins at 11 am  blurring of vision for 2 mins at 11 am Patient works as a farmer at a local village, He presented with the complaints of  giddiness lasting for 2 min along with blurring of vision.   He has no complaints of chest pain, palpitations,sweating,vomiting,headache, no complaints of ringing sensation in his ears, ear discharge . History  ? insect bite 2 years back  for which he received treatment for one day .  History dog bite 15 days back for which he received injections for 3 days. VITALS - PR - 78bpm BP - 200/110mmhg SPO2- 99% RR - 17 cpm Afebrile to touch  GRBS - 178mg/dl CVS - S1,S2+ R/S - BAE+ , clear P/A - soft , non tender  We got his fundoscopy done which showed normal fundus study. ECG- Hemogram- CUE- LFT-  RFT -     Dx-  HYPERTENSIVE URGENCY.